Thursday 22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving — Normalcy In New York | Van SEO Design

Happy Thanksgiving — Normalcy In New York | Van SEO Design

Happy Thanksgiving — Normalcy In New York

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 05:30 AM PST

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the U.S. A belated Happy Thanksgiving to my neighbors to the north in Canada. Happy Thursday to the rest of the world.

As I’m sure you know a few weeks ago super storm Sandy ripped through New York, New Jersey, and surrounding areas leaving a wake of destruction behind. As you may or may not know, Thanksgiving is a time when I vacation in New York to spend the holiday with my family.

I’m here not too long after the storm and quite honestly wasn’t sure what to expect. A couple of weeks ago I wasn’t even sure if my flight would be canceled and if I’d be able to make it in ok.

A band of sunset out the window of my flight to New York
A band of sunset greeted my arrival to New York

New Yorkers are resilient. I shouldn’t be surprised that so much is back to normal so quickly. Outside of more traffic here and there and a lot more people taking the train than usual, downed trees waiting to be collected have been my only sign of the devastation from last month.

Downed tree waiting for collection
A common site here on Long Island are downed trees waiting to be taken away

Most of my family escaped the storm with minimal issues. They all lost power some for longer than others. Outside of an aunt and a cousin, who still aren’t able to get back to their homes, most everyone is as back to normal as can be. I realize for many people things will never be back to normal. Lost lives and homes will forever keep some from normalcy. Others are still without power with little idea when they’ll get it back.

My family was fortunate and more than anything this year, that’s what I’m thankful for during this Thanksgiving celebration. Please join me in sending good thoughts and wishes to all those who weren’t so fortunate.

As I’ve done in years past I thought I’d share a few images. Here are some images and Thanksgiving wishes from years past.

The Holidays Are Near

Macy's Window display
Holiday window display at Macy’s
Lord and Taylor window display
Holiday window display at Lord & Taylor
Building dressed in icicles
Building decorated with icicles
Building wrapped in ribbons as a present
A building makes a great gift for the holidays
An ornament decorating a building entrance
Why not add an ornament to your front door

Grand Central Station

Grand Central Station
Outside Grand Central Station
Moleskine sign
Inside the terminal I was greeted by a familiar friend
Inside Grand Central Station
Inside Grand Central Station

New York Public Library

Lion Statue in from of the New York Public Library
One of the lions in front of the Public Library
Lego replica of the library lion
And a lego replica inside
Inside the New York Public Library
Inside the Library
Inside the New York Public Library
Inside the Library

Rockefeller Center

Lego version of Rockefeller Center
The lego Rockefeller Center inside the Lego Store
Rockefeller Center ice skating rink
The ice skating rink at Rockefeller Center
Rockefeller Center Chrismtas tree
The Christmas Tree waiting

Central Park

Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park


The Guggenheim
The Guggenheim
Statue of Abraham Lincoln
We saw Lincoln in the theatre on Saturday and then met him in the city on Monday
Patsy's Pizza
Our favorite place for pizza
A purple building
More buildings should be purple

Happy Thanksgiving

Once again I want to express than I’m thankful for my family was able to survive the recent storm mostly unscathed. I’d also like to express my condolences to all those who weren’t so lucky and to send good thoughts and wishes their way.

I’d also like to thank you for reading this far, especially if you read this far regularly. I do appreciate you sticking with me as long as you have.

Happy Thanksgiving to all celebrating and for anyone not celebrating the good news is tomorrow is Friday.

The post Happy Thanksgiving — Normalcy In New York appeared first on Vanseo Design.