Sunday 20 November 2011

Webmaster Tips: articles

Webmaster Tips: articles

Landing Page Optimization 101

Posted: 19 Nov 2011 08:13 AM PST

Landing page optimization is perhaps the most important Internet marketing tactic you need to master if you truly want to succeed online. Having an effective landing page that maximizes your conversions will help you dominate your niche market. This applies to both product vendors and the affiliates promoting for them. In fact, if you're into Google Adwords you should already know the extreme importance of landing pages…

Can Google Truly Make Quality Content King Of The Web?

Posted: 19 Nov 2011 08:02 AM PST

For those webmasters and e-marketers who can remember a web without Google, life was much less complicated and a lot less tumultuous back then. Since Google came onto the scene and became the dominant search engine in the world… things have changed drastically. And not necessarily in a negative way, those same webmasters probably jumped for joy when they reached the top of Google for their keywords. Then they complained just as loudly when Google made one of their never-ending changes to their algorithm and these webmasters saw their rankings drop or in some severe cases, disappear from the web altogether. In those early days, most of Google's major updates were kept secret until the fallout got webmasters fuming or rejoicing…

How to Grow Your Twitter Following

Posted: 18 Nov 2011 04:58 PM PST

Growing a large following is something many new Twitter users struggle with. They see all these big accounts with 20, 50 or even 100K followers and wonder how did they ever get there? Today we will give you some tips and tools on how to grow your following steadily and we'll also make sure that you stay within the Twitter guidelines to avoid account suspension. There are certain practices that are not allowed and the last thing you want is to get your account suspended after you worked hard to get a decent following…